new study of Bush's "Volunteer Sheet"
from his Texas Air National Guard files shows Bush
chose to opt out of overseas duty. This revelation
and more are contained in "Horns and Halos",
the critically-acclaimed documentary which opened
Friday in New York City. The film tracks Sander
Hicks' re-publication of controversial Bush bio
"Fortunate Son." Amid allegations of draft-dodging,
in July, 1999 Bush had told CNN: "Had my unit
been called up, I would have gone overseas."
Source: http://www.cnn.com
But in a frank and explosive scene, Publisher
Sander Hicks discovers that Bush's Guard files
prove that he did not volunteer for overseas duty
as he implied during Campaign 2000. Instead, Guard
records show that as a F-102 pilot in the National
Guard, and opted out and left his Volunteer Sheet's
"Area Preferences, Overseas Areas" blank.
(Buzzflash.com will today release the audio
clip from this scene. For copy of Bush's Volunteer
Sheet, click here.)
Bush's Texas Air National Guard files also contain
strange omissions and abbreviations on his discharge
papers. Bush received three citations, according
to the press release upon Bush's graduation from
flight school. However on box 24 of his official
discharge papers, Bush had the markings: "TAFMS"
and "TAFCS." These Abbreviations (for
Total Active Federal Military Service and Total
Active Federal Service Commissioned Service) are
oddly out of place.
[Source: Air Force Staff Sergeant (ret.) Mark
Although Bush had signed up for a six-year stint,
he left shortly after serving four years with
the 147th Fighter Group in Houston. On the year
2000 Campaign trail, he claimed that he made up
his service, at the Dannelly Air Base in Alabama
while working on a political campaign. But General
William Turnipseed recently recalled, "to
my knowledge, he never showed up."
(Source: http://www.abs-cbnnews.com)
Albert Lloyd Jr., a retired colonel from the Texas
Air Guard was hired by the Bush campaign to make
sense of the governor's military records, told
the Boston Globe that Bush's aides were concerned
about the Alabama gap in his records. Unlike Senator
McCain, during Campaign 2000, Bush has refused
to release his full military records. Today, Harvey
Gough, of Dallas, a 32-year veteran of the Texas
National Guard, says that the Bush team purged
Bush's Guard files shortly after Bush's inauguration
as Texas Governor. "I taught Dan Bartlett
the military system. He learned pretty good. He
and I got along. He came from the Bush group as
a novice, he didn't know the military system."
Gough believes that Bartlett and Danny James purged
Bush's record of "quite a bit...all Bush's
time in Alabama." Gough is available for
comment at his Texas business phone, contact us
for his contact info.
(source: SanderHicks.com original interview.)
Volunteer Sheet
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