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George W. Bush's Resume "Expanded"

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Past work experience:

  • Responsible for the execution of at least one mentally ill prisoner (Terry Washington) while Governor of TX.[1]
  • Executed 150 men and two women while Governor of TX, a record unmatched in modern times.[1]
  • As Governor of Texas, very likely several innocent people were executed in TX because of inadequate clemency policies.[1]
  • Successfully hid my record of cocaine use and abuse in Texas from reporters trying to uncover this information.
  • In the summer of 1974 worked for a CIA-connected airline named Alaska International Air, sited in Alaska which was later suspected by the Iran Contra Commission of being involved in CIA drug trafficking in support of the Contras. [3]--from Rosamond F., a viewer in CA
  • While general managing partner of the Texas Rangers I was aware that the players were using performance-enhancing drugs but did nothing about it.[4]

Accomplishments as president:

  • Sat by in the pocket of the NRA aware that the House wouldn't renew the 1994 ban on assault weapons.
  • Worked to exempt the firearms industry from lawsuits.
  • Deliberately withheld the cost of the Iraq war (supplemental war appropriations) hoping to get a $726-billion tax cut approved first. The House bit but the Senate did not.
  • Helped to create 9-million unemployed and made the jobless rate soar above 6%.
  • Would have allowed unemployment benefits to run out if it weren't for the Democrats.
  • Awarded a no-bid large contract to Halliburton, a company notorious for ripping off the government and tied to Cheney.
  • Put John Poindexter, convicted on five felony counts for his role in Iran-contra, in charge of the Information Awareness Office, where he will be collecting and mining data on 300 million Americans, assuring that no one will have any semblance of privacy anymore.
  • When taking office, the 10-year budget projection showed a surplus of 5.6 trillion. As a result of mostly my first round of tax cuts this surplus was whittled down to $1 trillion. Then with my second round of tax cuts and my war in Iraq, the 10-year projection is a deficit of $4 trillion. In other words, $9.6 trillion of taxpayer's money has been shifted to the most wealthy US residents and corporations--reported by former Nixon Secretary of Commerce, Peter Peterson, to New York Times staff and reported by Thomas Friedman. [editors note: The Congressional Budget Office estimated the deficit over 10 years to be $1.4 trillion as reported by AP on 8-26-03]
  • Quashed a major global warming report from the EPA that warned of the dangers industrial and automotive pollution present to the environment. Heavily edited the final report, deleting references to scientific studies that showed a link between smokestack and tailpipe pollution and global warming.
  • Allowed the number of Americans with no health insurance to reach crisis proportions. In 2001 and 2002, 74.7 million Americans went without health insurance at some point. In 2001, 41.2 million Americans had no insurance for the entire year.
  • Placed hundreds of thousands of lives at risk this winter by cutting a program that helps low-income families pay the cost of heating their homes. More than 4.6 million low-income families and seniors depend on the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to get them through freezing cold winters and scorching summers.
  • Filed briefs with the Supreme Court supporting people who want to overturn the University of Michigan's admission's policies. Instead of supporting policies of American higher education institutions that have produced important increases in minority enrollment, my administration chose to pander to my conservative base, potentially slashing the number of minority students who get admitted to top universities. Mostly failed in this effort too.
  • Didn't do anything to try and prevent Westar, a corporation that wanted legislation that would boost its profits and tried to buy what it wanted with campaign contributions, from doing so. This scandal was exposed just about the time Westar was about to get what it paid for in the Energy bill.
  • Proposed opening up 20 million acres of national forests to logging and will waive environmental laws with my "Healthy Forests" program.
  • Opposed requiring polluters to clean up their own messes at toxic waste sites--unlike Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. Begun to use taxpayer money to pay for the mess of corporate polluters and to cut back overall on cleaning up existing sites.
  • Cut enforcement for key environmental programs through steadily slashing budgets.
  • Proposed the "Clear Skies" initiative, which would weaken public health protections of the current Clean Air Act, while replacing them with insufficient standards and increasing toxic emissions like mercury and sulfur.
  • Targeted a series of complex regulations that barely register on the American public's radar screen to drastically reduce clean air and water protections, and increase industry exploitation of public lands.
  • Last July [2002], in response to allegations by anti-choice activists about a connection between U.N. funds and coercive abortion policies around China's "one family, one child" population control policy, my Administration withheld $34 million for family planning programs in all countries through the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA). It's devastating to many countries that count on UNFPA programs. It's estimated the loss of this funding will lead to two million unintended pregnancies, nearly 800,000 abortions, 4,700 maternal deaths and 77,000 infant and child deaths each year. [2]--from Working Assets
Records and References:
  1. Atlantic, July/August 2003, Texas Executions of Mentally Ill Under Bush, by Alan Berlow, pp. 91-.
  2. Both U.S. and British fact-finding missions have found no evidence of a link between U.N. family planning funds and abortion or forced sterilization in China.--Working Assets.
  3. Bush working for Alaska International Air reported by Jo Thomas, The New York Times, October 21, 2000.
  4. Book by former baseball star, Jose Canseco called: "Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant 'Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big," as reported by New York Daily News, Feb. 5, 2005.

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